Season 4 Episode 06: Healing through Ayurveda with Heather Johnson- PART ONE


This week’s guest is someone I have personally followed for sometime now, as she both taught and inspired me to apply the intuitive healing practices of Ayurvedic medicines, Heather Johnston. 

Over the past 10 years Heather has dedicated her life to wellness, not only as an Ayurveda Health Councillor, but also as Yoga Teacher and a licensed Massage Therapist. She has delivered Ayurveda workshops across the US and founded the The Ayurveda Life School Podcast that helps people understand and the health practices of Ayurveda. 

I came across her podcast, in a timely way- as I was and continue to be on a healing journey myself- and through a spiritual teacher I was connected with, Breanna, whom we interviewed a few episodes back, she introduced me to Ayurveda, the teaching and pillars of it practices and foundations deeply resonated with me.

As I dived deeper in, I was searching for a podcast, facilitator, coach type person to help me better understand what this was all about, and I found Heather’s podcast and to this day it is the one I listen to as I continue to grow and learn about Ayurveda. 

Check out her website:




Season 4 Episode 7: Balance and Nutrition with Heather Johnson-PART TWO


Season 4 Episode 05: Dispelling all the ‘woo woo’ with Psychic Medium Kristine Fredheim