I am teacher by trade. English Literature and Visual Art are my subjects. As a fidgety teenager, reading was my pleasure and creating was my escape. When we had to pick a career path, I knew no matter what, those two things had to be part of my life.

I am still working toward becoming an artist and photographer, as I will be a forever student. At 36, I am privileged to wear many hats in my life, as a wife, a mother of two beautiful people, a sister, and daughter. But I share my work with you now to release and continue to nurture the creative necessity I need to sustain me, and use this outlet to remind me that through each hat I wear, I can still continue to seek, question, and grow.

Learn all you can! Then... unlearn it, and start again!

‘I am an artist. I am here to live out


- Emile Zola