I LOVVVE to read!

My favourite Disney movie of all time was Beauty and the Beast. For one, Belle had brown hair, and she was not impressed but a strapping, muscular man that adored himself ;) But the second reason that film resonated with me, was ‘her nose stuck in a book’. There was something enchanting about being lost in another narrative that drew me in just like Belle. And we shared a dream of owning a library of our own! (fire hazard aside)

When I was at Western, one my favourite study spots was the basement of the Weldon Library because it was quiet, secluded, and I loved the smell of aged leather bindings and musky brown pages. To this day, I still prefer holding my texts in my hands, rather than adjusting the lighting on my Kindle.

Now a days, for me to make the time to read is a luxury; and with two boisterous toddlers running around the house, that sacred time is few and far between. But I keep my night stand stacked with texts, and usually dive into several at once, making my way through each page, each voice, each lesson, joyfully. I put notes in the margins, and I sometimes colour code the post its ;)

Talking about books, sharing insights, lessons and perspectives is my JAM! My lists are usually made through recommendations, or podcasts guest that I took something amazing from!

TALK BOOKS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are a few titles that I am making my way through.

Book Nerd Recommendations

Read any good ones lately? Let me know!

The Book of Boundaries: See the Limits That Will Set You Free

Melissa Urban

This book was recommended by my personal expander and guest, Elisha Covey. These pages help create the permission and spaces we need to keep centered and whole, so can be present for those relationships that are most important to us

On Our Best Behaviour: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to be Good

Elise Loehnen

When Elise left Goop, I think I speak for many of us when I say, I went into shock. I looked forward to listening to the Goop podcast because she brought so much knowledge, warmth and a real sense of connection with each conversation and topic she broached. When she came out with her own podcast, I binged the show in a week, and continue to follow loyally. When I found out she was releasing her book- my name immediately went on the pre-order list. Her writing is as seamless, interesting and captivating as her show!

“Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.” - Lena Dunham