Season 5 Episode 2: The Paths we Create and the Footprint we Leave Behind with OHbeeHive's Alison Oakes
This week we chatted with Alison Oakes from OhBeeHive Barrie. Alison took us through the steps that brought her to this point. Not all of them were obvious at the time, some arrows were unplanned and unexpected. But reflecting back, Alison highlights how they were all guiding her toward this direction. How important it is to follow and trust the process of our inner voices, and how things can turn out bigger and better than you could have imagined.
OhBeeHive is an expanding business, birthed from the lunches that Alison made and took to work, that caught the eye of her colleagues. The business is now open and thriving, focusing on Canadian homemade eco friendly products and refillery services.
Check out OhBeeHive's website and social media platforms:
Facebook: OhBeeHive: Beeswax Food Wrap
Instagram: @ohbeehivebarrie